Best monk fruit sweetener

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Recently, sweeteners have had a bad reputation and people have sort for other options that would provide the same safety and delicious flavors. Regardless of your lifestyle and concern for insulin, waistline, and many more, a sweet taste now and then would be great.

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Since people are avoiding sugar for different reasons, there has been a steady increase in preference for alternative sweeteners. Monk fruit is one of the famous sweeteners that people are looking for. Even though monk fruit has been in existence for a long time, its availability has made it even more popular, especially because it has no calories whatsoever and is many times sweeter than the alternative, which is sugar. Do not forget, it is also completely natural. So, which is the best monk fruit sweetener?

The best monk fruit sweetener would be the one that does not have any additives and is only 100% made of monk fruit. There are different options we will look into right now. Keep reading for more insight on the best 6 options in the market.

Understanding Monk Fruit Sweetener

The sweetener is made from the monk fruit, whose other name is Luo Han Guo, a small fruit found mainly in the Southeastern parts of Asia. For many years, the fruit has been in use to make some of the effective traditional medicine for the Chines. However, the FDA had not approved the use of the monk fruit as a sweetener, until around 2010.

So, how do you make the sweetener? The process is quite easy. the skin and seeds of the fruit are removed and the fruit is crushed, resulting in juice. Once the juice is collected, it is dried and it becomes a concentrated powder.

The monk fruit has glucose and fructose, which are natural sugars. However, this fruit is not like most other fruits. These sugars are not the source of its sweetness. So, what is? The fruit has some unique antioxidants called macrolides. These are the source of the intense sweetness.

When processing the fruit, the antioxidants are removed from the juice, which means the fruit sweetener does not have any glucose or fructose.

One reason why the monk fruit sweetener is popular is the fact that it tends to more than 200 times as sweet as regular sugar. For that reason, most of the manufacturers will add certain products such as erythritol, which helps in the reduction of the intense sweetness.

As noted, the sweetener does not have any natural sugars, which means that there are zero levels of carbs and calories. That means the sweetener will not affect your glucose levels. So, if you have diabetes, or generally just want to check on your health like anyone else, this is an amazing option for you. To make the deal sweeter, the antioxidant will reduce inflammation levels and you might enjoy some anti-cancer results. Sounds amazing, right?

Understanding the Additives

We should consider the additives. We have noted that the extract is 200 times sweeter than table sugar. The additives are to help reduce the intensity of the sweetness, making it good enough for use in drinks or other baking purposes.


This is the most common one and almost all our picks have it. It is a completely natural additive, which is an amazing fact. It is also sugar alcohol. What does that mean? It means that the additive comes from corn or cane sugar.


Although the additive has some traces of calories, it does not matter. Why? Because the body cannot be able to metabolize it for energy use. So, as soon as you consume it, it is transferred to waste. However, before it goes to waste, you will have tasted it and that is exactly what is for.

It is 70% similar to sugar in regards to taste and is great for mixing with monk fruit.


This additive comes from rice, corn, wheat, or potato starch. The constitution is similar to corn syrups even though it has lower levels of sugar in comparison.

Although the FDA has approved it for you in food, it does not mean that it is safe.

The reason why most of us choose to go for the pure monk fruit sweetener is to avoid sugar, which would affect our blood sugar levels. However, if you add this additive, the sweetener will probably affect your blood sugar levels. Therefore, if you have any diabetic issues, it would be wise to avoid the products that have this additive.


You will not find this sweetener in most sweeteners, but it is featured in some of the products on the market. You can find it in raisins, figs, or wheat, although it is in smaller quantities. Recent developments have allowed manufacturers to use enzymes to change fructose to allulose. It has the same chemical formula as fructose, but it has a different arrangement. That means that your body will not be able to absorb it for energy. Instead, your body will just eliminate it. What does that mean for your blood sugar levels?

It means that there is no chance that it will affect your blood sugar in the smallest way.

Now, let us look at our top six products in the market.

  • NOW Monk Fruit Liquid

NOW Foods Monk Fruit Liquid Organic Review
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ir?t=reviewho 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B07R638RY3This liquid is an extract that has cane alcohol used to temper its sweetness. The main reason why this is a good thing is that the alcohol from the cane is completely natural and is only available in the liquid in very small quantities. We all want something completely natural, right?

Additionally, the manufacturer states that the product requires that additive. The manufacturer says that the extract from monk fruit would require a carrier if it is to be able to remain in a stable state without any contamination in the liquid environment.

The alcohol added will be perfect in reducing the amount of mold, pathogens, or salmonella that would form. Additionally, you will be able to store it for a long time without placing it in a fridge. Considering that fact, you would argue that this product is a great choice.

The only problem associated with the product is the lack of an aftertaste that would be the same as the artificial sweeteners.

Nevertheless, it will work well if used in liquids, considering that it is a liquid itself. Additionally, it does not have any other unnecessary additives.

  • Purisure Monk Fruit Extract

Purisure Monk Fruit Extract 125g Review
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ir?t=reviewho 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B07PMLB7SPThis might just be the only monk fruit extract that is pure, 100% made of monk fruit without any additional additives. That is one of the things that we liked about it.

The second thing we enjoyed is that it has gone through careful testing that ensures the quality is premium and that there are no chemicals, metals, or microbes that would affect the health of whoever consumes it.

It is also grown without the use of any herbicides or pesticides, making it as organic as can be.

The problem? The flavor would require you to get used to it since it does not taste anything like the normal sugar we are used to.

The extract only has monk fruit as the ingredient without the addition of any fillers, or flavorings. It is completely natural.

You will also get a money-back guarantee. If you do not find it suitable for your palettes, you will get 100% of your money back.

  • ZenSweet Natural Monk Fruit Sweetener

ZenSweet All Natural Monk Fruit Sweetener review
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ir?t=reviewho 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B01M61NHAHFrom the reviews in the market, you will note that the people who have tried this sweetener enjoy it because of the measurement and the taste. However, it is not 100% pure monk fruit. It features an addition of erythritol.

It is mostly like the normal sugar we are used to. Therefore, if you have a recipe that would require sugar, you can simply replace the sugar with this product.

Considering all the products in the market, this is one of the few that have inulin. It is in the form of chicory root, a natural fiber with prebiotic properties.

Therefore, if you face some problems with the health of your gut, this will help make sure that you remain healthy. Sounds great, doesn’t it?

The main reason why this would be a perfect product is that the manufacturer is keen on ensuring the ingredients are not GMO products. You can also measure it the same as you would measure sugar, a great deal if you are using sugar in your recipes.

  • Monk Fruit in the Raw Sweetener

Monk Fruit In The Raw
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ir?t=reviewho 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B082241HJWIn the past, this brand of sweetener had some maltodextrin. However, the formula was recently changed so that the maltodextrin was replaced with erythritol.

This change in the ingredients made it Keto certified. Meaning that this product will not affect the glucose levels in your body. Instead, it is a perfect choice for anyone how has low carbs.

Some of the awesome additional features include the fact that its taste is similar to sugar’s and it does not have an aftertaste. Additionally, it is free of gluten.

  • Lakanto Monk Fruit Sweetener

Lakanto Monkfruit Sweetener Review
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ir?t=reviewho 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B01LDNBAC4Lakanto has a great reputation for different reasons. First, it is worth mentioning that the products used as ingredients in the production of the fruit sweetener are grown in the original area where the Buddhist monks would go to meditate. Not only that, the brand has very much respect for the practices and traditions of the area, including the environmental practices.

The product uses Erythritol. That product might pose a challenge if you use it in high quantities, especially if you are highly sensitive or might have some disorders in your gut. However, if you do not have these problems, you will perfectly okay to be using this product and will enjoy it.

You will note that the usage is a perfect replacement for sugar. Therefore, a single cup of sugar can be replaced with a single cup of this sweetener and no one will be the wiser. It will be a great replacement with no calories or carbs.

If you have a vegan diet or are diabetic, or suffer from candida issues, this is the perfect sweetener for you.

  • All-Purpose Granular Monk Fruit Sweetener

All Purpose Granular Monkfruit Sweetener review
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ir?t=reviewho 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B07QDMWRY6Our last product is this sweetener. It is a perfect choice if you want to replace sugar in your recipes. This product has Erythritol. If you have tried a similar sweetener with Erythritol, you will love this one. It is not only good but also available in large quantities, which will reduce the general amount of money you use on a sweetener.

If you bake regularly and are concerned about the overall cost, this would be a great option that is better than the normal sugar we use.

The product’s manufacturing process is co-crystallization. What does that mean? It means that you will have a uniform sugar flavor that does not have the aftertaste we all try to avoid.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Is Stevia or monk fruit better for you?

Yes. They are good for your health. We have noted that they do not have the fructose or glucose that is responsible for higher blood levels. If you use these instead of sugar, you will get the same taste you will enjoy with sugar, only without the health issues.

  1. Is there a pure monk fruit sweetener?

Yes. We have reviewed a sweetener that is 100% monk fruit. This fruit sweetener does not have any additives whatsoever.

  1. What are the side effects of monk fruit?

There are no side effects associated with monk fruit. The only disadvantages associated with monk fruit include the availability, which leads to an increase in the cost. Additionally, some companies will add additives to reduce the intensity of the sweetness. Finally, the taste of monk fruit is somewhat different from the table sugar you are used to.


Monk fruit sweeteners are a great option for everyone who would have issues brought about by sugar. Purchase any of the products on our list today and enjoy without affecting your health.

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