Difference Between Hazelnut Flour and Almond Flour

In the current age, you must be careful about your nutritional intake. That means that you have to make certain changes. Hazelnut and almond flours are among the easy ways to enjoy gluten-free dishes.

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But what is the difference between hazelnut flour and almond flour? Are they different in color, taste, or nutritional profiles?

Our post today features a hazelnut flour vs. almond flour comparison. After reading this post, you should be able to tell how these two differ from each other.

Let’s get started.

An Overview

Before we can talk about the difference, let’s look at these two individually.

About Almond Flour

Almonds Flour

Almond flour is easily made by blanching almonds in boiling water. That removes the skin. After that, you need to grind and sift for extraction of the flour. Almond meal and almond flour are used interchangeably. However, almond meal is different in that it involves grinding the almonds with their skins.

Is almond meal or almond flour better? Well, you can use them interchangeably. However, almond meal is preferred for savory dishes, while almond flour is preferable for delicate, sweet recipes.

You can use almond flour to bake bread, cake, cookies, and much more. Almond flour is popular for its high levels of Vitamin E. it is a great way to manage diabetes. It also has a high level of fiber, which helps in improving the digestive system. Use almond flour because of its low-fat levels.

About Hazelnut Flour

Hazelnut Flour

If you need some hazelnut, flour you need some hazelnuts and a blender. Simply blend the hazelnuts until you cannot see them anymore. One thing you should know, however, is that blending it for so long will make it butter.


Hazelnut flour can be used in chocolate cookies, breading, pancakes, cupcakes, and much more. This is a great option for people who are on a gluten-free diet. It is also great for weight loss, diabetes management, and low carbohydrates.

Since hazelnut has antioxidants, they will decrease cholesterol levels in your body. This is a great source of minerals and vitamins.

Hazelnut Flour vs. Almond Flour – Which is better?

The first thing you should know is that the one you should go for depends on what you prefer. That means you should go for the one you think is better in terms of the nutritional elements, taste, and more. These two can replace wheat flour perfectly.

The smell, taste, and flavor are among the major differences between the two. Hazelnuts have a sweet smell, while almond flour features a nutty smell. We also know that almond flour does not have the sweetness produced by hazelnut flour.

As for the texture, hazelnut flour has a buttery feel, which is more than almond flour. If you need butter from flour, then hazelnut might be a perfect choice.

Hazelnuts feature higher levels of fat compared to almonds. Hazelnut also has higher calorie levels compared to almonds.

Additionally, if availability and affordability are among the top considerations, you might want to consider almond flour. That is because hazelnuts are more scarce, which makes their products more expensive.

When using hazelnut flour, you will need to give more attention. That means that almond flour is easier to use.

But that’s not all. Almond flour will last longer compared to hazelnut flour. Therefore, if you want an option that you can purchase in bulk, then almond flour is a great option.

Flavor and Texture

When it comes to flavor and texture, hazelnut flour and almond flour have their own unique characteristics. Hazelnut flour is slightly sweeter and mellower than almond flour, which has a strong, nutty flavor with a slightly bitter and more savory edge.

However, hazelnut flour lacks the density and shape of almond flour, making it better suited for cookies and sweet pie crusts. Hazelnut flavor works well in baked goods and can add a buttery feel to the texture.

On the other hand, almond flour is commonly substituted for chestnut flour in most recipes, due to its density and shape. Both hazelnut and almond flour contain healthy fats, but hazelnut flour has higher levels of fat and calories than almond flour.

If you’re looking for a buttery texture and mellower flavor, hazelnut flour may be a better choice, while almond flour is great for adding density to baked goods. When using hazelnut flour, it’s important to note that it is slightly sweeter than almond flour, so adjustments to the amount of sugar in the recipe may be necessary.

Hazelnut Flour vs. Almond Flour Nutritional Value

Hazelnut flour and almond flour are popular ingredients in gluten-free baking. Both flours are often used as a substitute for wheat flour in many recipes. In terms of nutritional value, there are some differences between hazelnut flour and almond flour.

Hazelnut flour is higher in fat content than almond flour. 100g of hazelnut flour contains 60.75g of fat, while 100g of almond flour contains 49.33g of fat. Hazelnut flour is also higher in protein, with 100g of hazelnut flour containing 21.15g of protein compared to 100g of almond flour, which contains 21.94g of protein.

However, almond flour has a more durable texture than hazelnut flour and is often preferred in baking recipes that require a denser texture. Additionally, almond flour is lower in calories than hazelnut flour, with 100g of almond flour containing 590 calories, while 100g of hazelnut flour contains 628 calories.

Both hazelnut flour and almond flour have their own nutritional values and unique taste profiles. Hazelnut flour is higher in fat and protein, while almond flour is lower in calories and has a denser texture. Ultimately, the choice between these two flours comes down to personal preference and the specific needs of a recipe.

What should I know about Using Hazelnut Flour and Almond Flour?

Almonds and hazelnuts

The first thing you should know is that these two can be used interchangeably. However, if you want to enjoy the best nutritional elements and taste, you should stick to recipes specifically designed for each.

We do not recommend that you replace more than 30% of your flour in recipes. It gives it a rich texture and nutty flavor in bed goods.

Anyone who has a nut allergy should avoid using either. Ensure that they are safe first. If you consume either, we recommend that you be on the lookout for swelling or itching within minutes.

You can use either as an addition to smoothies.

The best way to store either is in a freezer with airtight containers or sealed bags. The reason for this is that they have higher levels of oil and there are chances that exposure to air will deteriorate them.

Storing them properly will keep them for around 4 months.

Check if the flour is safe, we recommend that you check signs of discoloration or check the odor. We also recommend that you avoid any contact with water during storage since it might cause some molds to start appearing.

When should you use Hazelnut Flour and When should you use Almond Flour?

We recommend that you use hazelnut flour if you are after a crisp texture in crackers, cookies, as well as breading. It is also a great choice for you if you want hazelnut butter that would work as a Nutella base.

Additionally, almond flour is a great choice for all things that need hazelnut flour. If you want baked goods to rise, we recommend that you go for almond flour. You can also mix almond flour with other types of flour, or simply use it alone to make muffin batters and cakes.

To get the best results, we recommend using it for recipes that are designed for it.


So, which is preferable? Well, these two are somewhat different in certain ways. However, they are great options if you are after a nutritious type of flour. They work great as substitutes for each other. Regardless, we recommend that you use them for recipes designed for them.

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